Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dinner Time #2

Cauliflower "Mashed Potatoes"
I decided I was going to try this after talking to a random lady at Chick-Fil-A. (I like to talk to random people and spend lots of time at Chick-Fil-A) She told me that she makes it like she would mashed potatoes and her husband can't even tell the difference. When my husband asked me what we were having tonight I told him chicken, asparagus and mashed potatoes!! 
I started with just one head of cauliflower which was just enough for me my husband and my 2yr old. But I would say if you have a bigger family I would do 2.
I basically just cut the up the cauliflower into smaller pieces.
I then threw all the pieces into boiling water and boiled for about  10-12 mins or until the cauliflower got soft.
Not sure you can see it but after I drained the water I added some butter and garlic salt, oh and a little bit of milk. And then I start smashing. I served myself some and then added all the extra calories. I mean stuff my hubby likes, lots of sour cream and cheese. 
And dinner is served! First thing my husband asked is "what kind of potatoes are these?" I said, "oh, I bought white ones". He believed me! Lol. He probably thought I was crazy cause I stared at him until he took the first bite. As soon as he did I asked him if he liked them and he was like, "yea, why?" And then I let him in on the secret. I told him they were made from cauliflower. He said I probably shouldn't have told him but ate them and said he would definitely eat them again!! And so would I.
 *I thought they were very tasty. I think the more you add to them the less they taste like cauliflower. 

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