Monday, April 15, 2013

Life over the last 8 months!!!

Well.... What can I say? It has now been about 8 months since I have last posted on here. Since then my little June bug turned 3 yrs. old and her BIG personality amazes me daily!! She is definitely my mini me and has been growing like a weed!
In October me and the kids went to Kansas to visit family and go to one of my oldest friends bachelorette party!!
 We came back just in time for one of my favorite holidays, Halloween!!
This year I decided to make the kids costumes. I have had this caveman/flintstone idea in my head for awhile. These costumes were super cheap and super easy to make! I think I bought a yard and a half of faux fur from Joann's fabric for about $10! I then just draped it around June and Tucker and used safety pins to keep in place. I bought the accessories at Party America and spent about $15. Can't wait till next year already!!
(Hubby's b-day cake! Although he doesn't like sweets!)
November wasn't a very exciting month the hubby turned 34!! Although you would think he turned 40 because he is always complaining about being old!! Lol (Honey you are still young!!). We spent Thanksgiving here in Texas with some good friends of ours that are actually from Kansas :)
Come December we decided to go visit my husbands family in Illinois. So we road tripped it up to Steeleville Illinois!! But not before a slight delay with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere Arkansas!!

It was so good to see my husbands family I feel like I really never get to see them. Especially my stepson Jaden. Hopefully someday we will live closer and get to see him more than a few times a year :( Christmas with the Ennis' was great!!
On the last couple days of our Christmas vacations we decided to make a trip to see my family in Kansas. Boy were they surprised!!

 January came and this little man turned 1!! Crazy how fast a year passes! I remember thinking when I was pregnant with him that I could never love another baby like I loved my June bug. But boy was I wrong!! The amount of love I have for my little man is endless. He is definitely a mommas boy and just makes me melt with his smile. He is definitely a boy and keeps me on my feet. He climbs and gets into EVERYTHING!!! I really enjoyed planning his b-day party with a little help from Pinterest. I will share pics of his dinosaur themed party soon!
Now onto February. This month for sure ranks right up there with one of the hardest months I have had:( On the 13th my sister called and told me that my Grandpa had fallen down and hit his head at the nursing home. And that he fractured his skull and his brain was bleeding. With him being so old they only gave him days to live:( So me and the kids got tickets to Kansas and left the next day. Unfortunately he did not make it through the night. I can't describe the pain I felt knowing that my grandpa was gone. But I am sure for anyone who has every lost someone they know exactly how I felt and still feel to this day.
Me and the kids got to Kansas and for the next week it was an emotional roller coaster. My heart ached because my grandpa was gone and it ached even more seeing my mom and grandma in so much pain. All I know is that my grandpa who was maybe not always the best husband or father grew with time and learned from his mistakes and changed into the best grandpa, husband and father! I will never forget his love for trains, crazy stories about him growing up, his cars, and his white t-shirt, blue jeans and boots. He lived a long beautiful life!! And I will never forget him!!

Well, I was going to try to get through to April but the kids are screaming and things to be done so I will find time to catch everyone up to what's going on now very soon!!